Project on Regional Development Planning of the Southern Region in the Republic of Tunisia

Project on Regional Development Planning of the Southern Region in the Republic of Tunisia

Country: Tunisia

Client: JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)

Period: April 2013 to July 2015



In Tunisia, the development of the southern region, which is climatically dry compared to the northern region, has been stagnating, and the regional disparities and lack of employment are main issues for regional stability.

This project aimed to reduce such disparities and formulate a regional development strategy to achieve by 2035 with the Government of Tunisia, covering various fields such as agriculture, industry, tourism, and infrastructure development (transportation, electricity, water and sewerage) through workshop for citizens.


INGEROSEC cooperated in formulating the development strategy of the Government of Tunisia in the fields of tourism, water and sewage, transport and the environment.

Processing facility for dates, a specialty of Tunisia
Processing facility for dates, a specialty of Tunisia
Oasis in the South of Tunisia
Oasis in the South of Tunisia

Reservoir in Tataouine
Reservoir in Tataouine