The Project for Improvement of Dodoma City Roads in The United Republic of Tanzania

Country: The United Republic Of Tanzania

Client: JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)

Period: October 2019 to September 2020



The project was one of the BIM/CIM pilot projects in the infrastructure grant assistance operations. A model was created by integrating data obtained through the use of drones and various field surveys, survey data and design data, and was used for design verification and consensus building among the parties involved.

Models integrating locally available data and design data1
Models integrating locally available data and design data1
Models integrating locally available data and design data2
Models integrating locally available data and design data2

Models integrating locally available data and design data3
Models integrating locally available data and design data3
Models integrating locally available data and design data4
Models integrating locally available data and design data4