Project of Construction of Interchange Vêdoko Intersection in the Cotonou City

Country: Republic of Benin

Client: JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)

Period: (Preparatory Survey) October 2018 to March 2020

             (Detailed Design) May 2021 to August 2022



The project for the construction of a 270 m long viaduct and upgrading of the Vedoko crossing from a roundabout to a cross signalized crossing to improve traffic congestion in the city of Cotonou, a key logistics hub to the West African interior, is one of the BIM/CIM trial projects in the infrastructure grant aid operations. The model reflected information on the existing underground structures and was used to study the relocation of utilities and avoidance of interference at the bridge piers.

Integrated model reflecting existing underground obstructions
Integrated model reflecting existing underground obstructions
Viaduct and intersection models
Viaduct and intersection models

Models of underground areas reflecting existing underground obstructions
Models of underground areas reflecting existing underground obstructions